Where will the webinar take place?
The Webinar will be executed through the Zoom online meeting platform and it provides the access freedom from your workplace, home or any other comfortable location.
How do I sign up for the webinar?
You can click the Virtual Events tab at https://www.uwonmeetingservices.com/ and visit the website for the Webinar of your interest. If you want to attend the Webinar as a Speaker and share your research, you can choose to submit the abstract through online submission or can email us the same. If you want to attend as a Delegate, You can choose the option to register for the Webinar.
Is the Webinar live covered?
Yes. The Webinar will be live through FB/YouTube and will be recorded.
Where will be the webinar presentations published?
The Webinar will be recorded and the presentations will be published on the Webinar website through YouTube embedded URLs
How do I submit the abstract for presentation?
The abstract for presentation can be submitted through online and offline modes. You can submit the abstract online at the Webinar website or you can also send us the abstract through the Email Us. In order to get the Abstract submission confirmation and acceptance at the earliest, you are requested to submit the Abstract as per the template.
Where will my abstract be published after submission?
The accepted abstracts for the webinars will be published as a part of the Webinar Proceedings book along with the presentation recordings on the Webinar website.
Do you provide any abstract publication assistance?
As of now we do not have any scientific publications with us, but are in communication with few of the major publishing houses. We will update the same information on the webinar, conference and Uwon Meeting Services website soon as we confirm any such assistance.
Where can I check the acceptance status of my abstract after submission?
We value your research to the utmost priority and will confirm the submission status of your abstract within 24 hours. In case you do not receive a confirmation from our side within 24 hours, you can Email Us.
I don’t have a current research to present but I am interested to join the Program?
You can join the webinar or conference program even without a research to present. You can attend as a delegate and contribute your valuable participation to the program.
How do I register for the webinar?
You can click the Virtual Events tab at https://www.uwonmeetingservices.com/ and click on the Webinar of your interest. You can click on the register tab on the webinar website and complete the registration. Soon after filling your details, you can choose to complete the payment through online or offline.
What is offline registration option in the registration page?
You can complete the registration either through online payment and offline payment mode. The online payment mode is similar to completing the payment through card or online/net banking, while in case of offline payments, you will get a bank invoice for the Webinar and can make the payment through the bank within the timeline mentioned on the invoice.
Can I pay for the registration through money transfer?
Yes, you can pay for the registration through money transfer. While completing the details on the registration page, choose to pay offline to get the invoice for the webinar registration. The invoice contains the bank account details wherein you can transfer the money to compete the payment for registration.
Can I pay the registration through cheque or cash?
While completing the details on the registration page, choose to pay offline to get the invoice for the webinar registration. The invoice contains the bank account details wherein you can make the payment to the mentioned account in any of the valid ways such as account payments, bank transfers and cheques. The cash payments are majorly limited to the onsite payments at the conference.
I don’t have a Razorpay account. How can I pay for the conference registration?
You can pay for the registration through card details, online/net banking or you can choose offline payment to get the invoice in order to pay through bank transfer.
What are the benefits for attending the webinar?
The major benefits for attending the webinar are listed below.
1. Convenience of attendance with scientific commitment
2. Portfolio enhancement with publication of recorded presentation on the Webinar websiteThe major benefits for attending the webinar are listed below.
3. Live interactions and engaging sessions with peer research fellows and professionals
4. Global Promotion of scientific portfolios and research profiles through Uwon's forthcoming programs
5. You will also get a special pricing for the in-person conference registration if you have registered for the webinar
Do I get any benefit for the in-person conference if I attend the webinar?
Yes, we will be providing a special pricing for the in-person conference for the webinar attendees.
Do you provide any assistance for the visa to the conference?
We will not be contacting any agencies or embassies for the visa, but we will provide you the letter of invitation and abstract acceptance letter as supporting documents towards your visa to the conference. You can Email Us if you want any other supporting document towards visa to the conference.
I am from a developing/underdeveloped country, how can I assure my visa to the conference upon registration?
Upon successful registration, we will provide you the letter of invitation and abstract acceptance letter as supporting documents towards your visa to the conference. We assume that the provided documents will help you secure the visa to the conference. In case you did not avail the visa, you can also Email Us if you want any other supporting document towards visa to the conference.
I want more details if I want to become a sponsor for the conference?
Sponsorships are just not limited to the in-person conference, but will be extended to the webinars as well. In addition to complimentary passes, plenary speaker slots, exhibition spaces and much more, as a sponsor you will be a part of our marketing campaigns and take the benefits from our site traffics. To know more about the sponsorship opportunities, please write us at info@uwonmeetingservices.com
We want to collaborate with Uwon Meeting Services?
As a vision to serve the scientific community, Uwon Meeting Services believes in fostering and exploring new opportunities. We collaborate to help you cater best of your scientific services and business deliveries. As a collaborating partner, Uwon Meeting Services will update your digital identification on the website and the marketing campaigns and you will be enjoying special benefits towards webinar and conference participation. To know more about the collaboration opportunities, please write us at info@uwonmeetingservices.com
What is the difference between premium and sponsor registration in the webinar?
The sponsor registration provides much more benefits at the organization level than the premium registration and includes promotional benefits from Uwon Meeting Services such as Social Media promotions, discounted pricing for exhibition at in-person conference and inclusion in upcoming digital and marketing contents.
Do you provide sponsorships for student participation?
Yes, we have certain sponsorships available for the young research community and for the student participations. The sponsorships will be provided in the form of registration benefits applicable towards the webinars and conferences.
Who are the sponsors for the conference and webinar?
Uwon Meeting Services is an independent self-sponsored organization working with the support from various organizations and independent professionals and value their contributions. We constantly communicate within the community and help acquire support. To know more about the sponsors and sponsorship opportunities, please write us at info@uwonmeetingservices.com
Can I join the webinar from a smart phone or Computer/Laptop is must?
You can join the webinar from a smart phone, unless it supports the application and you are in a good bandwidth location. But we recommend to use a Compuster or Laptop for best experience and fruitful interactions.